This is a 9'x3' mural, done for a private coffee-room in Katy, TX. Each third was photographed separately, in slightly
different light.
The client asked for a central coffee-cup with steam rising from it, and for a palette of browns, deep reds, purples and
oranges. The paints are a mix of acrylics and oils, with highlights of gold ink. The brush technique results in a rich
wood-grain effect.
Overwritten are phrases from Irish blessings, as well as Chinese characters. The coffee-cup bears initials and dates
important to the family.
Completed in May 2007
September 2007: Triptych in red, green, gold, brown and copper (3x6) for a West University living room.
Fall 2007: Panel for a beach house in Gold Beach, Oregon.
November 2007: Multi-panel installation for a living room in Houston, TX.